Monday, 21 September 2015

Hypodontia is ideally treated in a multidisciplinary setting- A case report

The purpose of this article is to describe a team approach to treatment of hypodontia in adolescent dentition. A case report of hypodontia with a microdontic lateral incisor in a Class I malocclusion illustrates the principles of case management. Multidisciplinary consultation during treatment planning and coordination and appropriate timing of subsequent interdisciplinary dental care enables the clinician to provide the optimum care. The scope of orthodontic and restorative management depends on the severity of the hypodontia.

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Hypodontia can be treated with adhesive techniques efficiently

Dr Samira Al-Salehi of the Dubai College of Dental Medicine has recently presented a case report illustrating the use of adhesive or 'sticky' dentistry to rehabilitate a patient presenting with mild to moderate hypodontia. A pdf of the article can be accessed on the below link.

Sunday, 6 September 2015

Baby teeth can be built up to function like adult teeth

The Leeds restorative dentistry group have published a review illustrating how 'baby' teeth can be efficiently built up with white filling material to function like adult teeth. This procedure doesn't require the need for anaesthesia or tooth drilling and can be delivered easily. 

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Patients with Hypodontia have different needs to other patients

The hypodontia team from the Eastman Dental Institute have published a review paper outlining the management needs of patients with hypodontia with specific reference to the dental, psycho-social, medical, functional, educational and financial implications that this diagnosis can bring. They identified the need for disease prevention as well as the management issues that can present during growth and development. The article can be accessed on the link below.