Friday, 12 February 2016

Kings College Hospital Hypodontia Study Day on 4th of May 2016

The annual Kings College Hospital Study Day will take place on the 4th of May 2016 at the Weston Education Centre, Denmark Hill. The program will be delivered by staff of Kings who are directly involved in management of both adolescent and adult patients on a number of multidisciplinary clinics. Subject covered will include management of the developing dentition, orthodontic considerations, the provision of adhesive dentistry such as composite masking and resin bonded bridges in addition to the placement of implants. 

Saturday, 6 February 2016

Gremlin gene associated with Hypodontia ! Yes Gremlin !

As a child of the 80's I loved the Gremlins films as well as Back to the Future Indiana Jones etc. So it turns out that there is a Bone Morphogenic Protein antagonist that is known to regulate BMPs in embryogenesis and tissue development. Have a look at the abstract of some research by a group from Thailand.  

Gremlin 2 BMP