Showing posts with label adhesive dentistry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label adhesive dentistry. Show all posts

Friday, 12 February 2016

Kings College Hospital Hypodontia Study Day on 4th of May 2016

The annual Kings College Hospital Study Day will take place on the 4th of May 2016 at the Weston Education Centre, Denmark Hill. The program will be delivered by staff of Kings who are directly involved in management of both adolescent and adult patients on a number of multidisciplinary clinics. Subject covered will include management of the developing dentition, orthodontic considerations, the provision of adhesive dentistry such as composite masking and resin bonded bridges in addition to the placement of implants. 

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Hypodontia can be treated with adhesive techniques efficiently

Dr Samira Al-Salehi of the Dubai College of Dental Medicine has recently presented a case report illustrating the use of adhesive or 'sticky' dentistry to rehabilitate a patient presenting with mild to moderate hypodontia. A pdf of the article can be accessed on the below link.